Posted in Feminist

5 Gender Stereotypes You Never Noticed

It’s 2019, feminism is all the talk, and women everywhere are seeking freedom from this sexist, patriarchal society. Even as you read this, societal norms everywhere are being questioned, changed, resolved, and so much more. But did you ever notice these sexist things happening right in front of your eyes?

1.Flat Stomachs

While guys around the globe are being pressurized to have a full set of muscles complete with 6 pack abs, the goal deemed by society for women is just a flat stomach. Is this a way to maintain a hold over us, by being slightly more powerful??

Don’t believe me? Google Search ‘Flat Stomach’ (Or click the link) What do you get?

Now Google ‘Abs’ (Ditto link) See what I mean?

2. Dressing Up

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It is a very well advertised fact that women take longer to get dressed then men. We must wear heels, figure flattering dresses, MAKEUP, have our hair perfect, nails coloured, and so much more before we go for a party. But did you ever stop to wonder. . . . WHY DON’T MEN HAVE TO DO THIS??

The only logical reason I can think of is. . . well, you accept that men are better than you. They are perfect just the way they are. So to bridge the gap, you put in a lot of effort in presentation. Riiiiiight?

3. Pink

Image result for girly girl

Everyone knows that the color pink is associated with girls. It is used everywhere from baby showers, to bathroom demarcations, to the only thing worn by the ‘good girl’ in a Rom Com . However, now, society is slowly growing out of this, but leaving us with a much worse problem.

The girls who DO like pink are being called stupid, dumb, timid, and weak, all the regular gender stereotypes of a girl. Pink is slowly being ostracised from society, with many of us laughing at boys and girls who wear too much pink. This is, essentially, saying that being distinctly linked to a girl is laughable. Sexist much?

4. Chivalry

Image result for guy paying for girl

EVERYONE notices this, but no one sees it as sexism, because for once it works in the favor of the girls.

But seriously, are you trying to tell me that you can’t:

  1. Ask a person out
  2. Open doors
  3. Close doors
  4. Pull out chairs
  5. Pay the bill
  6. Lend your coat to significant other when they’re cold
  7. Drive a car/bike/whatever ???

You, gal, are a true disappointment.

5. Be. A. Man.

Image result for she's the man
(Still from ‘She’s the Man)

Girls around the world are slowly turning into ‘men’. We dress like them, talk like them, walk like them. We are constantly asked to ‘be a man’. And we do not take offence. All’s well.

However, have you tried calling a MAN a GIRL? Oh geez, that reaction, that outrage. . . almost makes you feel as if, maybe. . . . . . being a girl is looked down on??

So that’s it for ‘5 Gender Stereotypes You Never Noticed’. Want a PART 2? Leave a like and follow us. Have something you wanna say? Leave a comment- (Hogwords saves no personal information) or fill in the Contact Page.

Keep Zeezing,

Love, Arshia.